Corporate Contracts, Business Sale and Purchase, Commercial Lending and Financing, Shareholder Agreements, Corporate Governance and Maintenance, Corporate Reorganization, Employment Law
At Hamilton Baldwin Law, our team provides legal services to clients ranging from emerging small businesses and driven individuals to large and established corporations. Our knowledge of the realities of operating a business allows us to provide our clients with practical and cost effective solutions to the ongoing challenges of operating a successful business in today’s competitive and rapidly changing business environment.
Whether it is a routine transaction or an innovative approach to business, we deal with virtually all aspects of corporate law including:
Corporate Advisory Services
Business mergers, acquisitions and sales
Business formation (sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation, etc.)
Shareholder agreements and disputes
Corporate Restructuring - amalgamations, freezes, rollovers and other tax motivated transactions
Banking and Financing including all forms of debt and equity transactions, commercial borrowing and lending, real property and personal property security and equipment financing
Commercial contract drafting
Employment law
Not for Profit Organizations, including society and association formation and maintenance
Corporate Governance Services
Federal, provincial and extra-provincial business incorporation
Business registration
Minute book maintenance including annual filings and continued corporate governance
Registered records office
Additional Services​
Securities and Capital Markets
Oil and Gas Law
Dental and Health Care Professional Practice acquisition and sale